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Original North Patrol Report

Report: Web platforms in Finland 2024

43 weeks ago

North Patrol helps you succeed in your next project

North Patrol is a consulting firm specialized in the design of digital services and information systems. We shape ideas into a vision and service concept, find the best architecture and technology solutions, design a functional user experience, and tender the ideal partner for implementation work.

We do not sell implementation projects or licenses; we are genuinely on the client’s side.

In addition, we support our customers in project management and planning the next releases of the digital service. Our typical customers are large companies headquartered in Finland.


Building a complex and content-heavy website? North Patrol’s team helps you design data structures, user interfaces and key functionalities.

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Customer service channels

Are you building a membership service, a targeted audience service for a selected group, or a digital service intended for carrying out a single transaction process? North Patrol’s team helps you find the right solutions and technology choices to engage customers, streamline processes, ease customer service workload and minimize lifecycle costs.

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Digital marketing

Building a lead generation website? North Patrol’s team helps you understand customer needs, design content and navigation structures, improve your conversion paths and find the most suitable digital marketing tools and technologies for your requirements.

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Digital workplace

Looking for advice on improving digital workplace tools or intranet? North Patrol’s team helps you design a new intranet concept and select the right tools and technologies for your implementation.

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Starting an ecommerce renewal project? North Patrol’s team helps you understand customer needs, clarify business requirements and find the best digital solutions to meet your goals.

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Latest customer case story

Case: The Finnish Transparency Register – North Patrol helped with the requirements definition and tendering process

57 weeks ago

Finland implemented its long-prepared transparency register on January 1, 2024, as the transparency register law came into effect. The transparency register is a system where lobbyists for companies and associations must disclose how they attempt to influence decision-makers. North Patrol acted as the project’s consultant partner in the preparation, requirements specifications, and tendering process.

Case: Ramirent renewed its digital services with a customer-centric approach – North Patrol provided consulting support for the project

57 weeks ago

Ramirent Finland Oy (Ltd) is a leading construction equipment rental company in Finland, serving its customers nationwide through a network of over 60 rental outlets. The company’s customer base is extensive and diverse. While the construction industry represents Ramirent’s largest single customer group, its clientele also includes installation companies, industrial facilities, shipyards, municipal and government agencies, as well as private households.

North Patrol supported Ramirent in a comprehensive digital service renewal, assisting the company throughout various stages of the project.

Case Metsähallitus: New intranet for 1000+ employees – North Patrol as concept and tendering partner

132 weeks ago

Customizable tool links, improved search and people search functions – these features don´t come standard with the modern SharePoint Online intranet, but are all small customizations which took the intranet of Metsähallitus to a whole new level. 

Case Solita: New intranet on Unily platform – North Patrol as technology advisor

148 weeks ago

A new era in workplace communication dawned for the people of Solita, when the new intranet, Insider, opened in March 2022. Insider is an intranet solution based on the Unily product, which was adjusted to meet Solita’s needs. In Finland, intranets made on existing products are rare, as Microsoft’s products are the preferred intranet tools. What is Insider like and why did Solita end up with the product, even though they have a lot of different tools and especially know-how in their organization?

Case: New website with ecommerce like user experience for M2-Kodit – North Patrol as concept design partner

183 weeks ago

At the end of 2019, M2-Kodit, who offer rental housing, commissioned usability testing of its online service. Based on the findings, it was decided to implement a comprehensive renewal project. The website was outdated in many ways and it caused frustrating marketing and content optimization difficulties. The decision to renew was also greatly influenced by the feedback received from customers: the site was perceived as challenging to use.

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About North Patrol

We are a team of ten consultants, all of whom are experienced designers and technology experts. Every year we design and prepare over 50 different online services and information systems. Our customer satisfaction is very high (9.5 out of 10), and we have helped many customers transform their digital services.

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How we differ from our competitors?

  • We specialize in digital service design

    We specialize in high-quality design and requirements specification of digital services. Our mission is to help customers succeed in their software project by creating the best possible foundation for implementation – whether it is an agile implementation done inhouse, a project done with a partner, or a publicly tendered project.

  • We don't sell coding or licenses

    Many software companies recommend software solutions that they also implement themselves. We don’t do that. We don’t do software implementation projects or have partnerships with technology providers. Our perspective on the software market is broad, as it should be for our customers. Our goal is always to find the best possible software solution for our customer, whether it’s a custom-built solution, a SaaS service, an open-source platform, or a combination of these.

  • We are realistic and forward-thinking

    We design digital service concepts, implementation methods and architectures that are sustainable and can be further developed. We place great importance on the feasibility of software solutions, the availability of good partners and the predictability of costs.

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